Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ananica Jeune

Prof. Dragan R.


                                         Assignment #8  Critical Thinking Blog Post

Throughout the semester, I enjoyed this class very much because I learned a lot of things about science and technology.  I have gained knowledge about the use and development science is important and the process of technology. I’ve also gained knowledge about the different patterns of science and technology. I learned about the advancement of technology, the peril of robots and cloning and many more. I learned about the impact that robots have in our society and the different things that they are capable of doing. As the semester has come to an end, I could say that I am both a science and a humanities person since because I believe that both science and technology need each other in other to progress. In this class, I’ve learned about different perspectives in life when it comes to science and technology has opened my mind better when it comes to new ideas. The readings from the course pack have helped me thinking differently about the use of science and technology. As we finish the semester, I believe that I’m more optimistic about science and technology because I learned about different theories and perspectives of the modern society.


Ananica Jeune
Prof. Dragan R.

                                                    Assignment #7 Blog Post

My post is going to be about Rosalind Franklin. Franklin was a British biophysicist and x-ray crystallographer. She was the one who found the molecular anatomy of DNA, viruses, RNA. Her DNA was found to be the best one and the most successful one. Other scientists found her DNA very helpful to human genetics and this information was passing from parents to children until today.

I think Franklin is an inspired scientist because she was very intelligent; she has gone through a lot to become what we all know about her today. Even though, she didn't achieve the whole journey that she probably has had in mind because she died at a young age but she achieved something that the whole world knows about. During her time, people probably didn't appreciate the hard work that she did, she probably didn't receive any award for doing such an incredible work but I can say is that her hard work was a success because she left something that is very useful for the whole world. It is heartbroken because she is not here today to be honored for the hard work that she has done. Her excellence intelligence has led to a high significant discovery that the world is grateful of.
Ananica Jeune
LIB 200
Prof. Dragan R.

                                                  Blog Post  Assignment #2

I don't think that popular science threaten us, however I think that it has both a positive and a negative effects on us.  Today science has created a lot of possibilities for a lot of people and many people have been fascinated by it. People base their ideas on today science in order to create their own things.

Technology continues to develop every day and every day that passes by we are being exposed to new things. Things that we used to have 10 years ago, we no longer have them because they're no longer in use. Back in the 1980s, we used to have polaroid cameras and there were some cameras where we had to put our eyes through the lens in order to take pictures but now society goes from an undeveloped camera to advanced and classic cameras, now are we are able to use a camera in our phone to talk to people in other places from all over the world via FaceTime, etc.

I believe that science and technology will expand even more in the future to bring out new things to the society that we're living. I don't think that science threaten us, although I believe that is inspiring us because of the advancement that it's making every day and I believe that the reality that we are living will be even better in the future.
Ananica Jeune
LIB 200
Prof. Dragan R.

                                                        Blog Post Assignment # 6 

My topic for my research paper is "the peril of robots", in my paper I talk about the history of robots, the different tasks that they are able to do and the different fields they work in. Most of my sources come from Academic Search Complete, I used this site because I believe that it's helpful for a successful paper. Academic Search Complete has a diversity of different subjects for all different kinds of papers and the information are clear and understandable to the readers.  For my paper, I use different sources from Academic Search Complete and also the "I, Robot" movie which is speficically about my topic.

One of my sources is "How medical Robots are going to affect our lives". This article basically talks about robots that work in the medical field. It states that medical robots help surgeons perform surgeries with maximum precision, minimal incision, and deep invasions inside a human body. These robots are controlled by a remote, even where the surgeon or his fingers cannot be physically present.  According to the author, " medical robots are bringing about the biggest paradigm shift in ways in which human beings are treated  and human lives are saved. I chose this article because it backs up my argument about how robots have developed throughout the years especially surgical robots.

My other source is the movie "I, Robot", this movie is one of the strongest sources of my paper because I visualize every thing that a robot is capable of doing and it gives me a lot to talk about. I was able to compare my own ideas with what I saw in the movie. With the help of that movie I was able to see how technology has developed and also the power that robots have on society and that power might increase even more in the future due to the different things that a robot is capable of doing.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ananica Jeune
LIB 200
Prof. Dragan

                                                          Blog Assignment #5

Androids are robots that are designed to look like humans and also they are made to do jobs that seem to be dangerous to humans. These robots are now used almost all over the world, now only they look like humans, they are also very intelligent. However, I believe that these androids are highly intelligent and are capable of doing a lot of things but I don’t think they will ever have real consciousness as humans.
In the video do androids dream of electric sheep? We can see the various things that Rachael Eldon is able to do; she is smart and very talented. The way she’s being exposed to us and the way she does her things make her look nothing like an android but a human. Rachael Eldon seems intelligent as human because she imitates human intelligence by computer programs not because she has consciousness “as far as we know, there is no way to achieve consciousness on a computer or any collection of computers”. I totally agree with him because the only reason these androids are performing is because of the use of computers, there’s no way we can put consciousness in the computer for them to have consciousness.
“The public doesn’t believe that these androids can never have a human brain and human aspects”. As I mentioned before in one of my previous blogs, some people accept the idea of these androids and some others don’t.  I agree with the public because as humans we all were born with a brain, conscious and different aspects that make us human beings and these androids don’t have these traits.  They might look like us and might be able to do things that we do but they will never be like us.
Overall, I believe that Rachael Eldon and others are intelligent; they can do as much things that a human being can do and even more. But when it comes to consciousness, I don’t think these androids will ever have consciousness as us humans do because consciousness is something we were born with not something that was being created.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Ananica Jeune
LIB 200
Prof. Dragan

                                           Critical Thinking Blog Post # 4

Robots are machines that were created to be helpful to human beings. These machines are highly developed throughout the years due to technology. Robots are used to work in different fields and now with technology they are able to do different tasks. Some people think that robots can do harm to our society and other people think that robots are good use for society. Despites of all of the negative comments about robots, I believe that robots have a great impact on society.

A few decades ago, we have seen the use of robots only in movies, magazines, books but now robots are used everywhere in the world working in different fields such as medical, industrial, business field and many more. Robots that work in the medical field usually work in the surgery rooms; they help adjusting the tools and also help the doctors with the surgeries. The industrial robots do heavy duties; they use them to do things that seem to be dangerous to humans. These robots work faster and get the job done well as ordered. People that work in the business field are now losing their job to robots in some countries in the world.  Checkout staff are being replaced by automatic self-service machines.

As technology develops, they are creating more robots with more significant powers. Some of us find robots acceptable to be part of society and some others don’t. Some of us who robots have been acceptable to think that robots are good help to us because they are certain things that robots are able to do that humans might unable to do. Those of us who don’t accept robots think of robots as a cause of unemployment, thinking that since robots are able to do things that humans can do, one day they would probably replace us.

As we can see robots have been developed a lot throughout the years, every day we experience something new. In the terminator movie, we visualize how powerful robot can be in a human body. The terminator robot is a dangerous robot because these machines once they were given an order they have to accomplish the mission they were given. The terminator was after one person to kill because he was given the order to do so and he wouldn’t stop until he found the person wanted. In the I robot, it was more than one robots and they were all after humans, they were all against us.

In conclusion, although some people might see robots as a harmful creature to society but most of us believe that robots are a powerful invention.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ananica Jeune
Prof. Dragan
LIB 200

                                                   Critical Thinking- (Blog) Assignment #3

Evolutionary psychology is one of the major fields in psychology that develops a lot throughout the years. “Evolutionary psychology has developed from the years of 1980s; evolutionary psychology's study is based on behavior and mind. Its mission is to analyze and characterize psychological traits of human such as emotions, preferences”. Evolutionary psychology also came from sociobiology which is the study of the biological bases for social behavior in every species.

“Evolutionary psychologists have created hypotheses to determine what psychological traits that have developed in humans; they also draw a parallel between humans and non-humans to see how they behave differently and also how their behaviors are somewhat similar.” This topic interests me because I love to learn about new things and I would like to learn about how the human mind evolved and its fundamental functions and also as I mentioned in the essay, why human behave certain ways and also the theoretical approaches that evolutionary psychologists use to determine the psychological traits of humans.

Another topic that I’m also interested in is portraying robots or human clones in film. From this point of view, I believe that although science has gone too far on doing certain things but also a lot of positive things have been created for the use of human being. Picturing robots in film makes me wondering how robots films are going to look like in the next two decades. Robots can be very useful to humans because of the various things that they can do like working in industries and they also are able to perform on material tools. Since technology has been evolved, robots can also work in fields like agriculture and medical facilities in some countries. The negative part about robots is that since they can do almost everything that a human are able to do, are they going to replace us? The answer is undecided because technology/ science are evolving every day so nobody knows how society is going to be for the upcoming years.

Cloning on the other hand, I think it’s a good process because reproduction is a good aspect in life. “According to my Medical Ethics’ class, there is nothing wrong with cloning as long as people feel like that it’s the right thing to do”. I agree because people are getting sick from all types of disease every day and cloning the person is able to prevent all this so why not doing it. By cloning the person, they get to live longer and they are free from the disease they suffered from. However, I think that cloning is improvement for a new life and also an extinction of life.

These two fields are my two interests because they both talk about technology/ science and also they portray the outlook of how life is going to be in the future as we go along but my topic will be about robots and human cloning in films.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Science or humanities

Ananica Jeune
Prof. Dragan
Lib 200

                                                       Blog Post- Assignment #1

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. My name is Ananica, I'm a calm, friendly, out-going person. My major is liberal arts/ social sciences and humanities. Soon I will graduating with an associate degree then to transfer to a four year college to pursue my career as a nurse.
Back in High School, I didn't exactly know what my career plans were because I had different plans in mind, even after graduating High School, I still couldn't stick to one major. I chose psychology as my major but yet I wanted to be a physical therapist. Now I'm no longer want to be a physical therapist nor a psychologist but a nurse.
I'm more a humanity person than a science person because throughout my educational experiences, I've experienced a lot of things that make me think positively about humanities. The reason why I think positively about humanities is because I've learned how to treat people and how to interact with peers. Another reason I'm more based on humanities is because I never had any problems in my humanity classes, they were kind of easy enough for me to pass. I've always had the difficulty in my science classes especially chemistry, there's too much thinking and calculations involve, although I passed all my science classes. 
From my point of view, I believe that some people in America think positively about science/technology because they find it interesting and it makes things and life easier for them. Some others believe that science/technology is one of the biggest issues nowadays because technology has gone too far on doing certain things which causing people getting killed everyday.
Some people accept science as a way of understanding their world because they relate themselves to it. Technology is a process, it makes changes everyday and brings out new things every single day. It's the same thing for some people, they make changes in their life every day until they get what they really want.