Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ananica Jeune
Prof. Dragan R.

                                                    Assignment #7 Blog Post

My post is going to be about Rosalind Franklin. Franklin was a British biophysicist and x-ray crystallographer. She was the one who found the molecular anatomy of DNA, viruses, RNA. Her DNA was found to be the best one and the most successful one. Other scientists found her DNA very helpful to human genetics and this information was passing from parents to children until today.

I think Franklin is an inspired scientist because she was very intelligent; she has gone through a lot to become what we all know about her today. Even though, she didn't achieve the whole journey that she probably has had in mind because she died at a young age but she achieved something that the whole world knows about. During her time, people probably didn't appreciate the hard work that she did, she probably didn't receive any award for doing such an incredible work but I can say is that her hard work was a success because she left something that is very useful for the whole world. It is heartbroken because she is not here today to be honored for the hard work that she has done. Her excellence intelligence has led to a high significant discovery that the world is grateful of.

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