Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Science or humanities

Ananica Jeune
Prof. Dragan
Lib 200

                                                       Blog Post- Assignment #1

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. My name is Ananica, I'm a calm, friendly, out-going person. My major is liberal arts/ social sciences and humanities. Soon I will graduating with an associate degree then to transfer to a four year college to pursue my career as a nurse.
Back in High School, I didn't exactly know what my career plans were because I had different plans in mind, even after graduating High School, I still couldn't stick to one major. I chose psychology as my major but yet I wanted to be a physical therapist. Now I'm no longer want to be a physical therapist nor a psychologist but a nurse.
I'm more a humanity person than a science person because throughout my educational experiences, I've experienced a lot of things that make me think positively about humanities. The reason why I think positively about humanities is because I've learned how to treat people and how to interact with peers. Another reason I'm more based on humanities is because I never had any problems in my humanity classes, they were kind of easy enough for me to pass. I've always had the difficulty in my science classes especially chemistry, there's too much thinking and calculations involve, although I passed all my science classes. 
From my point of view, I believe that some people in America think positively about science/technology because they find it interesting and it makes things and life easier for them. Some others believe that science/technology is one of the biggest issues nowadays because technology has gone too far on doing certain things which causing people getting killed everyday.
Some people accept science as a way of understanding their world because they relate themselves to it. Technology is a process, it makes changes everyday and brings out new things every single day. It's the same thing for some people, they make changes in their life every day until they get what they really want.

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