Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ananica Jeune
LIB 200
Prof. Dragan

                                                          Blog Assignment #5

Androids are robots that are designed to look like humans and also they are made to do jobs that seem to be dangerous to humans. These robots are now used almost all over the world, now only they look like humans, they are also very intelligent. However, I believe that these androids are highly intelligent and are capable of doing a lot of things but I don’t think they will ever have real consciousness as humans.
In the video do androids dream of electric sheep? We can see the various things that Rachael Eldon is able to do; she is smart and very talented. The way she’s being exposed to us and the way she does her things make her look nothing like an android but a human. Rachael Eldon seems intelligent as human because she imitates human intelligence by computer programs not because she has consciousness “as far as we know, there is no way to achieve consciousness on a computer or any collection of computers”. I totally agree with him because the only reason these androids are performing is because of the use of computers, there’s no way we can put consciousness in the computer for them to have consciousness.
“The public doesn’t believe that these androids can never have a human brain and human aspects”. As I mentioned before in one of my previous blogs, some people accept the idea of these androids and some others don’t.  I agree with the public because as humans we all were born with a brain, conscious and different aspects that make us human beings and these androids don’t have these traits.  They might look like us and might be able to do things that we do but they will never be like us.
Overall, I believe that Rachael Eldon and others are intelligent; they can do as much things that a human being can do and even more. But when it comes to consciousness, I don’t think these androids will ever have consciousness as us humans do because consciousness is something we were born with not something that was being created.

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