Sunday, May 5, 2013

Ananica Jeune
LIB 200
Prof. Dragan

                                           Critical Thinking Blog Post # 4

Robots are machines that were created to be helpful to human beings. These machines are highly developed throughout the years due to technology. Robots are used to work in different fields and now with technology they are able to do different tasks. Some people think that robots can do harm to our society and other people think that robots are good use for society. Despites of all of the negative comments about robots, I believe that robots have a great impact on society.

A few decades ago, we have seen the use of robots only in movies, magazines, books but now robots are used everywhere in the world working in different fields such as medical, industrial, business field and many more. Robots that work in the medical field usually work in the surgery rooms; they help adjusting the tools and also help the doctors with the surgeries. The industrial robots do heavy duties; they use them to do things that seem to be dangerous to humans. These robots work faster and get the job done well as ordered. People that work in the business field are now losing their job to robots in some countries in the world.  Checkout staff are being replaced by automatic self-service machines.

As technology develops, they are creating more robots with more significant powers. Some of us find robots acceptable to be part of society and some others don’t. Some of us who robots have been acceptable to think that robots are good help to us because they are certain things that robots are able to do that humans might unable to do. Those of us who don’t accept robots think of robots as a cause of unemployment, thinking that since robots are able to do things that humans can do, one day they would probably replace us.

As we can see robots have been developed a lot throughout the years, every day we experience something new. In the terminator movie, we visualize how powerful robot can be in a human body. The terminator robot is a dangerous robot because these machines once they were given an order they have to accomplish the mission they were given. The terminator was after one person to kill because he was given the order to do so and he wouldn’t stop until he found the person wanted. In the I robot, it was more than one robots and they were all after humans, they were all against us.

In conclusion, although some people might see robots as a harmful creature to society but most of us believe that robots are a powerful invention.

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