Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ananica Jeune
LIB 200
Prof. Dragan R.

                                                        Blog Post Assignment # 6 

My topic for my research paper is "the peril of robots", in my paper I talk about the history of robots, the different tasks that they are able to do and the different fields they work in. Most of my sources come from Academic Search Complete, I used this site because I believe that it's helpful for a successful paper. Academic Search Complete has a diversity of different subjects for all different kinds of papers and the information are clear and understandable to the readers.  For my paper, I use different sources from Academic Search Complete and also the "I, Robot" movie which is speficically about my topic.

One of my sources is "How medical Robots are going to affect our lives". This article basically talks about robots that work in the medical field. It states that medical robots help surgeons perform surgeries with maximum precision, minimal incision, and deep invasions inside a human body. These robots are controlled by a remote, even where the surgeon or his fingers cannot be physically present.  According to the author, " medical robots are bringing about the biggest paradigm shift in ways in which human beings are treated  and human lives are saved. I chose this article because it backs up my argument about how robots have developed throughout the years especially surgical robots.

My other source is the movie "I, Robot", this movie is one of the strongest sources of my paper because I visualize every thing that a robot is capable of doing and it gives me a lot to talk about. I was able to compare my own ideas with what I saw in the movie. With the help of that movie I was able to see how technology has developed and also the power that robots have on society and that power might increase even more in the future due to the different things that a robot is capable of doing.

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