Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ananica Jeune
Prof. Dragan
LIB 200

                                                   Critical Thinking- (Blog) Assignment #3

Evolutionary psychology is one of the major fields in psychology that develops a lot throughout the years. “Evolutionary psychology has developed from the years of 1980s; evolutionary psychology's study is based on behavior and mind. Its mission is to analyze and characterize psychological traits of human such as emotions, preferences”. Evolutionary psychology also came from sociobiology which is the study of the biological bases for social behavior in every species.

“Evolutionary psychologists have created hypotheses to determine what psychological traits that have developed in humans; they also draw a parallel between humans and non-humans to see how they behave differently and also how their behaviors are somewhat similar.” This topic interests me because I love to learn about new things and I would like to learn about how the human mind evolved and its fundamental functions and also as I mentioned in the essay, why human behave certain ways and also the theoretical approaches that evolutionary psychologists use to determine the psychological traits of humans.

Another topic that I’m also interested in is portraying robots or human clones in film. From this point of view, I believe that although science has gone too far on doing certain things but also a lot of positive things have been created for the use of human being. Picturing robots in film makes me wondering how robots films are going to look like in the next two decades. Robots can be very useful to humans because of the various things that they can do like working in industries and they also are able to perform on material tools. Since technology has been evolved, robots can also work in fields like agriculture and medical facilities in some countries. The negative part about robots is that since they can do almost everything that a human are able to do, are they going to replace us? The answer is undecided because technology/ science are evolving every day so nobody knows how society is going to be for the upcoming years.

Cloning on the other hand, I think it’s a good process because reproduction is a good aspect in life. “According to my Medical Ethics’ class, there is nothing wrong with cloning as long as people feel like that it’s the right thing to do”. I agree because people are getting sick from all types of disease every day and cloning the person is able to prevent all this so why not doing it. By cloning the person, they get to live longer and they are free from the disease they suffered from. However, I think that cloning is improvement for a new life and also an extinction of life.

These two fields are my two interests because they both talk about technology/ science and also they portray the outlook of how life is going to be in the future as we go along but my topic will be about robots and human cloning in films.

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